Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I shouldn't be awake right now, and I'm pissed.

I randomly woke up about two and half hours ago, and had every intention on going back to sleep, but one of my dumb cats managed to get himself locked in the hall closet, which is right outside my door, and I was distracted by the sound of my mother letting him out. It was silent for a while after, and in the silence, one word entered my mind.


It's a funny word in and of itself (and fuck yeah, I spelled it right the first time without the need for spellcheck), and it's the fancy term for a testimony or confession. Say it to yourself a few times; you'll probably start giggling. Because the word, normally, would be awesome and junk, but when it's the first thought in your conscious mind... it just becomes annoying.

Unfortunately for me, the first thought after I wake up usually sticks with me the whole day. And when I say the whole day, I mean the -whole- day. I've spent the last hour and a half with Affidavit randomly wandering through my head, derailing speeding trains of thought, and generally being a pain in the ass.

Phrase of the Day: Fuck you, affidavit.

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