Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Spastic Vanders

For some reason, my mood seems to reflect that of those to whom I'm speaking. If someone is sad, so too will I be, and if they're giggly... well, then I think I take it over the edge, but you get the idea, yes? I thought so.

Today, for instance, while I was sitting alone paying video games like the loser I know I am, I was neutral. Neither sad, or happy.

As soon as I logged on Skype and started talking to people, that shit changed. Drastically. Some of my online buddies, and fellow staff members, read the previous post and started giggling their asses off. (I suggest now they put out an ad in the paper for people to be on the lookout... if not to bring the asses back, to at least steer clear. Their shit is nasty.) So, of course, I started to laugh because they were laughing.

And now I can't shut up. I'm so loud my voice is echoing through my rather empty house. It's disturbing, and hurting my own ear drums, and severely impeding my progress on my game.

At this point it's probably best to stop talking to me and let me revert to my natural, neutral state, but that could take a while, and I get bored. Very easily.

So I had a giggle fit when I sneezed so loud, I startled my cat. Someone thought I died, it was so bad. But seriously, had you seen the expression on his face, you probably would have collapsed into laughter too. What's worse, everyone heard it because I was on fucking Skype and I couldn't breathe enough to turn my mic off. That shit is not fair.

They also coerced me into writing another survival guide. Two in fact. I think one of them is addicted to them, and I can't stop writing them because I'm a laugh whore, and when other person laughs, it makes me laugh. So sue me.

I'm eventually going to have to do a rant on my cat(s). I have five, but one specifically is mine. His name is Salem, but his nickname is Batcat. That will be explained. My ferrets too need a post. But for now, I think I'd better save this and get on with my day. It's almost bed time.

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